Sunday, March 6, 2011

I'm not a rancher but here is breakfast

So there is a little second hand store across the road whose interior looks like an episode of hoarders.  If you have a clear idea of what you want, you can probably find it in there somewhere, as long as you're persistent. That's where we got Norma MacMillan's Tex Mex Cooking. Which is a 24 year old cookbook written (according to the book jacket) by a woman from the mid-west who has spent 18 years living in England.

Credibility not withstanding, what this book does have is beautiful pictures, simple recipes, and a lot of those basic things that trendier cook books wouldn't bother covering.  You can find recipes for refried beans, corn and flour tortillas, and today's recipe for Huevos Rancheros.

Huevos Rancheros

Skillet - use a big one.

 Oil, garlic, onion.  Cook until soft

 Tomato puree, sliced green chilies, oregano, salt and pepper

 Bring that mess to a boil and then simmer for 30 minutes

 Gently drop your eggs in there.  As always, crack them into another bowl first.

 Cover and cook for another 8-10 minutes.  Whites should be done.  Yolks...well that's up to you.


The cast iron - no oil.  

Now let me tell you.  These are flour tortillas.  I found that you can't cut and paste methods for corn tortillas.  The tortilla press and wax paper doesn't work here unless you want grey hair.  So break out that rolling pin and make sure your counter is well floured.   

You'll also need to turn down your skillet cause these guys will turn to cinders with the same time/temperature combination that we used for corn.  The evidence of this tragedy is present in the skillet.

Flip and smash the bubbles out 

Ring the breakfast bell.  All of this can be yours in about 45 minutes as long as you can tuck your tortilla making into the simmering / poaching times.

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