Thursday, September 15, 2011

Pollo Pulquero is a dish best served in the dark

Look at those beans!  They're sitting there because Pollo Pulquero is ugliest tasty dish you've ever seen.  Rick doesn't even put a picture of it in the book!  It's sort of symptomatic of being cooked in a slow cooker for six hours, so what can you do.

The prep on this one is silly easy.  You put things in a slow cooker, and then you come back.  So I'll be economical with my words.  Write a to do list, get some groceries and make the jump.

Put a sliced onion in the bottom of your slow cooker.

After each layer you throw some salt on there.  So don't forget that.

That's about 4 potatoes.

8 skinless boneless chicken thighs.

Cilantro.  As much as you want, as long as it's a cup.

Aw'right.  So you can't find fresh tomatillos.  Throw some canned ones in there.  This is Rick Bayless meets James Barber.  It's about half a kg worth.

Have you been putting in your salt? Lastly, 1/4 cup of pickled jalapeno slices.  And throw in some juice for good measure.

If it doesn't look like this when you're done, hide the slow cooker where no one will find it and go out for dinner.

Go do chores, and then come back.  Give it six hours and you're left with something that looks like this.  Like I said, it doesn't look like much.  This isn't fancy, impress your new girlfriend type food.  This is food for a cool fall evening.  You could probably tart it up with some fancy tortilla chips if you wanted to.  Personally I don't want anything in the way of me shovelling it as fast as I can into my face.  It has a certain comfort food quality to it that reminds me of something my grandmother used to make.  Tasty.

Herb Garden Update

So I've totally slacked off on the whole herb garden updates thing.  Probably because I've been spending more time gardening than blogging. At some point the tomato plants made it outside with the pepper plants and we've been keeping those going.   The strawberry plants have been saved and we're still waiting (until next year) for berries.  Everything else has pretty much run its course.  Next year we'll have to scrap the other herbs and just plant cilantro.  We used the cilantro way too fast and don't use the other herbs nearly as much.

But above is what we get off of the tomato and pepper plants every few days or so.   Just enough to eat on the way to the car, or give to a co-worker who will undoubtedly take them home and feed to his family for the purposes of some sort of quasi-exploitation video that has yet to make it to youtube.


  1. hope I"m not the grandma who made somethin' like this!!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Pollo pulquero is simple, and delicious! It also gives more proof that looks aren't everything. You are missing out _Claire_.
